Suburban Senate, City Leaders to Hold Voting Kickoff in Support of Biden-Harris and DFL Majorities

EDINA, MINNESOTA —  ​As Joe Biden and Donald Trump make their way to Minnesota for the start of early voting, suburban legislators and leaders are holding an early voting kickoff to show support for the Biden-Harris ticket and a DFL House and Senate Majority in the southwestern Twin Cities suburbs.

The suburbs will decide this election, and high turnout for Democrats in suburbs across the metro could secure the election for Joe Biden, hold the State House, and flip the State Senate if the momentum continues.

“This is election is the most important of our time. The neighbors and voters I’m talking to in the suburbs are fed up with the lack of leadership from the White House, and the inaction coming from our current state senate majority,” said Senator ​Melisa Lopez Franzen​, DFL-SD49.

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