GOP Politician: If We Don’t Blame China For Virus, Voters ‘Will Blame Trump’

Recent polling has shown that a majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak. ABC News recently found that 55 percent disapprove of Trump’s response, an increase of 12 percentage points since the middle of March.

At the same time, Trump has blamed China for his administration’s slow response to the outbreak. He repeatedly referred to it as the “Chinese” virus and released a racist campaign ad with a similar message. He repeatedly refers to it incorrectly as the “Chinese virus” even as experts have warned against it. The World Health Organization says that naming viruses after a geographic location is wrong, as it causes unfair stigmatization of people who have nothing to do with the outbreak and its spread.

From the April 14 edition of Steve Bannon’s far-right podcast “War Room”: Continue reading.