House Transportation Committee Advances ‘Hands-Free’ Device Bill

ST. PAUL, MN – The House Transportation Policy & Finance Committee today held a public hearing about the ‘hands-free’ cell phone bill, HF 50, which aims to increase safety for drivers, passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians on Minnesota’s roads by requiring drivers to use their cell phones in a hands-free mode. Safety experts, advocates and family members of loved ones who were killed in distracted driving crashes provided public testimony about the proposal, which has strong bipartisan support. The bill passed out of committee.

Greg LaVallee, a distracted driving speaker for Just Drive, Inc. spoke at the committee on Tuesday. His son, Phil, was killed by a distracted driver while he was out for a run.

“The complacent attitude of our society towards cell phone use while driving is claiming 9 lives per day in the U.S.”, said Mr. LaVallee. “This is outrageous! Hands-Free legislation will help enforce the current texting ban and it is a step in the right direction to prevent crashes and save lives.” Continue reading “House Transportation Committee Advances ‘Hands-Free’ Device Bill”