Harvard, MIT sue to block Trump administration from stripping student visas amid pandemic

The Hill logoHarvard and MIT filed a lawsuit on Wednesday that seeks to prevent the Trump administration from stripping foreign students of visas if their universities move exclusively to online classes amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The lawsuit comes after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on Monday that international students whose courses move entirely online would be required to depart the country, rescinding a previous plan to grant exemptions to student visa holders.

The universities asked a federal court in Boston for a temporary restraining order and permanent injunction against the administration’s new policy. Continue reading.

‘Slimy and Weaselly’: Harvard Students Describe Learning with Sean Spicer

The following article by Kali Holloway was posted on the AlterNet website October 23, 2017:

Alex Wong/Getty Images

He’s not what you thought he was; he’s worse.

Sean Spicer has been on a rebranding tour since he left the White House in an effort to make us forget all the hard work he did spreading the contagion of this administration’s dangerous lies. Aiding him in this undertaking is Harvard University, which gifted Spicer with a fellowship from its Kennedy School of Government for the fall semester. (Perhaps concerned that one Trump propagandist wouldn’t cut it, Harvard also recruited former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, while Chelsea Manning, incredibly, was disinvited.) According to a press release, Spicer is a “distinguished veteran of public life” selected to “fulfill the Institute’s mission of engaging students in discourse on topical issues of today.” The announcement did not mention whether he’ll be instructing young scholars on the art lying through your teeth about nonexistent voter fraudinauguration crowd sizesHitler’s unheralded scrupulousness and the encrypted brilliance of “covfefe.” Continue reading “‘Slimy and Weaselly’: Harvard Students Describe Learning with Sean Spicer”