State Department Hires Obscure Anti-Muslim, Homophobic Pundit As Senior Adviser

When he was a right-wing pundit, senior State Department adviser Frank Wuco claimed that Muslims “by-and-large” will “subjugate and humiliate non-Muslim members of their societies” and that their core faith purportedly instructs them that they can’t “coexist peacefully with other religions.” He also pushed conspiracy theories about the Obama administration and said that “societies and nations for millennia have suffered greatly” for LGBTQ acceptance.

The Washington Post reported on November 27 that Wuco is now a senior adviser at the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance. The publication added that during a 2016 radio appearance, Wuco had “suggested dropping nuclear bombs on Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks.”

Wuco, a retired naval intelligence officer, previously worked as a conservative pundit and radio host before joining the Department of Homeland Security in January 2017. As a DHS senior adviser, he helped implement Trump’s orders to the agency, including his ban on travelers from some Muslim-majority countries.

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Meet Doug Wardlow, the throwback homophobic candidate on Minnesota’s 2018 ballot

The following article by Hannah Jones was posted on the CityPages website August 27, 2018:

In March 2017, before Doug Wardlow had won the Republican primary for a shot at becoming Minnesota’s Attorney General, he sat in on a meeting of the Anoka-Hennepin School Board.

When his name was announced, Wardlow rose to the podium and bid the board members “good evening.” He told them he was there as a member of Alliance Defending Freedom, “a nonprofit legal organization that litigates in defense of free speech and religious liberty” in Minnesota and beyond.

He went on to say he was representing parents who were concerned that the district would start letting transgender students use the bathrooms that matched their gender identities. “Boys” should go to the boys’ facilities, he said, and “girls” to the girls’ room. Anyone who “professed” to be transgender could go use a single-stall restroom.

“I urge the District to act in accord with the simple reality that there are boys, and there are girls, and boys and girls are fundamentally different in ways that really do matter,” he said.

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