Why we might want to be skeptical of the GOP memo criticizing the FBI

The following article by Amber Phillips was posted on the Washington Post website January 30, 2018:

Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) says the House Intelligence Committee vote to release documents alleging abuse in the FBI’s Russia probe marks a “very sad day.” (The Washington Post)

There is a GOP memo detailing alleged mistakes, and even potential political bias, in the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, and President Trump and his allies in Congress want to make it public as soon as this week. A Republican-controlled House committee took the first step Monday night by voting along party lines to release it.

What is in the memo could potentially be a step in bringing the investigation into Trump-Russia collusion to an end, one senior Trump official predicted to my Washington Post colleagues. Continue reading “Why we might want to be skeptical of the GOP memo criticizing the FBI”