Judge tells Devin Nunes’ family they need evidence of false reporting to sue for defamation

AlterNet logoRep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) family had an awkward moment in court this week when their defamation lawsuit against Esquire went awry. Defamation is when you knowingly and falsely attack someone. In this case, the U.S. District Judge C.J. Williams had a hard time finding the false information.

According to the Courthouse News Service, Judge Williams, an appointee from President Donald Trump, issued a 20-page ruling that took issue with the original complaint from the Nunes family. He explained that the family has failed to specify how the allegedly defamatory Esquire magazine article was inaccurate.

The story, written by Ryan Lizza, revealed that the Nunes farm actually moved from the congressman’s district years ago and they’re now operating out of Iowa. The story became a major talking point in the last election, because Nunes claims that he is a dairy farmer, but Lizza reported that the Nunes dairy farm was halfway across the country from where Nunes was running for Congress. Continue reading.