Housley and Health Care: A Casual Disregard for Doing the Work for Minnesotans

Karin Housley has demonstrated a casual disregard for doing the work to learn about the issues that affect Minnesota families. Let’s now look at her inability to explain what she would do on health care.

Earlier this year, Housley was asked at a local event how she would save the health care system. Unable to name a single policy or idea, Housley said, “First, we have to get more Republican senators in the United States Senate. That’s number one.” Then, still unable to name a specific policy or idea, she said again, “So what we really need is to get Republicans in power across the board and get more Republican senators so we can change the health care system.”

That is not a solution. It’s the answer a person gives when they have not done the work to solve problems. The result? Housley is led by powerful special interests and party leaders who do not have Minnesota’s best interest at heart.  Continue reading “Housley and Health Care: A Casual Disregard for Doing the Work for Minnesotans”