White House press secretary: It’s ‘highly inappropriate’ to question a 4-star Marine general

The following article by John Wagner was posted on the Washington Post website October 20, 2017:

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Oct. 20 defended Chief of Staff John F. Kelly’s attacks on Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) and called it “highly inappropriate” to debate with “a four-star Marine general.” (Reuters)

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a reporter Friday that it would be “highly inappropriate” to get into a debate with “a four-star Marine general” over whether he misstated facts.

At issue was the appearance Thursday of White House chief of staff John F. Kelly, a retired Marine general, before the media in which he robustly defended President Trump’s call earlier this week to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger. Continue reading “White House press secretary: It’s ‘highly inappropriate’ to question a 4-star Marine general”