Trump’s top economic aide just made a stunning admission about the president’s dealings with China

AlterNet logoWhite House Director of Economic Policy Larry Kudlow made a stunning admission on Wednesday as he was discussing President Donald Trump’s trade negotiations with China.

Eamon Javers, a CNBC journalist covering the economy, reported on the remarks Kudlow made to a group of reporters. Kudlow said that Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon’s former secretary of State, had recently been to the White House — and he has also recently met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping twice.

“I asked if Kissinger is playing a back channel role in trade talks,” Javers said. Continue reading

White House officials ramp up new tax cut talks, as Trump seeks sharp contrast with 2020 Democrats

Washington Post logoKudlow is playing a lead role, and congressional Republicans have engaged in the early planning

White House officials and congressional Republicans have begun early talks on a new package of tax reductions and economic growth measures, under pressure from President Trump, who is agitating to announce a new tax cut proposal heading into the 2020 election.

The discussions are preliminary and far from the decision stage, according to officials involved. The timeline is unclear, but White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow is playing a lead role, people briefed on the talks said.

The early-stage discussions reflect Trump’s desire to refocus the economic narrative amid some signs of a slowing economy, and after the major Republican tax cut package of 2017 failed to produce enduring economic benefits or political gains for the GOP.

View the complete October 31 article by Erica Werner, Josh Dawsey and Jeff Stein on The Washington Post website here.

WATCH: Larry Kudlow wilts under barrage of questions about Trump’s conflicting trade war comments

AlterNet logoLarry Kudlow, who appeared to have been drinking before his FOX News appearance last Sunday, probably wished he was drinking this Sunday after his stammering performance on CNN where he faced a barrage of questions from “State of the Union” fill-in host Brianna Keilar.

Speaking from France where he is attending the G7 conference with Donald Trump, Kudlow was put on the spot over the president’s comments where he seemed to express regret over launching a trade war with China.

According to the president’s economic adviser, Trump failed to hear a reporter’s question over whether he had any “second thoughts” about launching a trade war with China.

View the complete August 25 article by Tom Boggioni from Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

Robert Reich reveals he bets against Larry Kudlow predictions: ‘I’ve actually made quite a bit of money’

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich revealed on MSNBC that he bets against the predictions made by Larry Kudlow, President Donald Trump’s director of the National Economic Council.

Anchor Chris Hayes interviewed Reich about the growing concern that President Donald Trump’s trade wars are risking plunging the nation into a recession.

“As somebody who has been through a number of business cycles, has watched this administration and watched the sort of last administration working through recovering from Great Recession, where do you see us right now?” Hayes asked.

View the complete August 19 article by Bob Brigham on the Raw Story website here.

Kudlow acknowledges U.S. consumers, not China, pay for tariffs on imports

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow acknowledged Sunday that American consumers end up paying for the administration’s tariffs on Chinese imports, contradicting President Trump’s repeated inaccurate claim that the Chinese foot the bill.

In an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” two days after U.S.-China trade talks ended with no news of a deal, Kudlow was asked by host Chris Wallace about Trump’s claim.

“It’s not China that pays tariffs,” Wallace said. “It’s the American importers, the American companies that pay what, in effect, is a tax increase and oftentimes passes it on to U.S. consumers.”

View the complete May 12 article by Felicia Sonmez on The Washington Post website here.

CNN’s Tapper stuns White House advisor with video of woman accusing Trump’s Fed nominee of sexual assault

On Sunday, CNN’s Jake Tapper clashed with White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, a strategist known for his partisan cheerleading on the economy. The two of them fought over Herman Cain, the former pizza executive and Tea Party presidential candidate President Donald Trump is tapping for a top position on the Federal Reserve.

“You know you’ll face questions about this,” said Tapper. “Herman Cain dropped out of the 2012 race because of numerous sexual harassment allegations, multiple women. He denies them all. I want you to take a listen to one of the accusers.” He then played a clip of Sharon Bialek, a woman who claimed Cain “reached for my genitals … grabbed my head and pulled it towards his crotch” during a job interview.

“There are at least four women who have allegations like this,” said Tapper. “Again, Cain denies they’re true, but doesn’t this trouble you?”

View the complete April 7 article by Matthew Chapman of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

Larry Kudlow’s claim that ‘we have virtually paid for’ Trump’s tax cut

Judy Woodruff, PBS: “You are hanging a lot of this on these tax cuts, but we now have a number of experts who are watching those tax receipt numbers that come in regularly, and they are saying that they do not add up to what is anything like the kind of growth that the administration had projected off these tax cuts.”

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow: “Well, actually, overall revenues are up about 10 percent. So that’s a pretty good number. And let me say, one of the people that are skeptical of us, the Congressional Budget Office, nonetheless, their estimates before taxes and most recently after the taxes, they have argued, they have said, there’s roughly $7 trillion of higher nominal GDP, and from that comes about 1.2 trillion in extra revenues, so that the tax cuts are about 80 percent paid for overall.”

— Exchange on PBS’s “NewsHour,” March 11, 2019

“Even the CBO, with which we generally disagree — I’m not breaking news here on my part — but they just published their new numbers. You know, from the point of pre-tax-cut to now, we have had about $7 trillion unexpected increase, $7 trillion over 10 years in terms of GDP. And that kind of calculates to roughly 1.2, 1.3 trillion in additional revenue. That’s the CBO numbers. These are all 10-year estimates. I apologize for that, but that’s the convention. So, what am I saying here? The tax cut was about 1.5 trillion scored. We have virtually paid for it — I guess 80 percent paid for it — and that’s by the CBO’s own numbers.”

— Kudlow, in an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street,” March 8, 2019

President Trump’s chief economic adviser says new numbers from the Congressional Budget Office show that 80 percent of the administration’s tax cuts will be paid for in a decade. Even when accounting for lost revenue, the tax cuts will “virtually” pay for themselves because of increased economic activity, Kudlow suggests.

He’s not the first Republican to claim tax cuts pay for themselves. But he is the first to twist what the CBO’s nonpartisan number-crunchers said in a Feb. 28 analysis.

CBO Director Keith Hall factored in several big developments in this analysis. One was the estimated effect of the tax cuts Trump signed in December 2017. Another was “changes to federal spending resulting from legislation enacted early in 2018.” The biggest change came from “revised historical data and changes in the economic outlook … before accounting for the effects of the tax act.”

The Pinocchio Test

View the complete March 14 article by Salvador Rizzo on The Washington Post website here.

OUT OF TOUCH: Trump Admin Doesn’t Understand Why Furloughed Workers Can’t Afford To Eat

Trump and his White House are extremely out of touch with the workers whose paychecks they are holding hostage.

Wilbur Ross said he doesn’t “really quite understand” why workers are needing to go to food banks during the Trump Shutdown.

Wilbur Ross: “I know there are and I don’t really quite understand why. Because as I mentioned before, the obligations that they would undertake, say borrowing from a bank or a credit union, are in effect federally guaranteed.”

Wilbur Ross suggested it wouldn’t be a big deal if 800,000 workers never got their paychecks because the GDP impact was not a “gigantic number overall.”

Wilbur Ross: “You’re talking about 800,000 workers. And while I feel sorry for the individuals that have hardship cases, 800,000 workers, if they never got their pay – which is not the case, they will eventually get it – but if they never got it, you’re talking about a third of a percent on our GDP. So it’s not like it’s a gigantic number overall.” Continue reading “OUT OF TOUCH: Trump Admin Doesn’t Understand Why Furloughed Workers Can’t Afford To Eat”

Trump adviser Larry Kudlow hosted publisher of white nationalists at his home

The following article by Robert Costa was posted on the Washington Post website August 21 2018:

White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow gives a report on the economy during a Cabinet meeting at White House on Aug. 16, 2018. Credit: Andrew Harnik, AP

The publisher of a website that serves as a platform for white nationalism was a guest last weekend at the home of President Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow.

Peter Brimelow attended the gathering, a birthday bash for Kudlow, one day after a White House speechwriter was dismissed in the wake of revelations that he had spoken alongside Brimelow on a 2016 panel.

Brimelow, 70, was once a well-connected figure in mainstream conservative circles, writing for Dow Jones and National Review. But over the past two decades, he has become a zealous promoter of white-identity politics on, the anti-immigration website that he founded in 1999.

View the complete article here.

Trump’s top economics adviser lies about ‘rapidly’ falling budget deficit

The following article by Ryan Koronowski was posted on the ThinkProgress website June 29, 2018:

There’s just one problem.

Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council, said that the deficit is “coming down rapidly” in a Friday morning appearance on Fox Business.

The problem for President Trump’s top economic adviser is that the deficit is actually rising. Continue reading “Trump’s top economics adviser lies about ‘rapidly’ falling budget deficit”