Minnesota House Approves Legacy Amendment Appropriations

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA — Today, the Minnesota House approved legislation to appropriate $630 million from Legacy Amendment funds. The legislation (HF 653) was introduced by Rep. Leon Lillie (DFL – North St. Paul) and passed 100 – 26.

“Minnesotans care about our state and cherish the things that make it such a special place to live,” said Rep. Lillie, Chair of the House Legacy Finance Division. “Thanks to their support, the Legacy Amendment has benefited communities across the state for a decade. Let’s build on that success and preserve our great outdoors and rich heritage for future generations.”

In 2008, Minnesotans voted in favor of adopting the Legacy Amendment. The constitutional amendment increased sales taxes by three-eighths of one percent for 25 years and divided the revenue between four funds. The Outdoor Heritage Fund and Clean Water Fund each receive 33 percent of the revenue. The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and Parks and Trails Fund receive 19.75 percent and 14.25 percent, respectively. Continue reading “Minnesota House Approves Legacy Amendment Appropriations”