D.C. and Maryland plan to sue President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called “the Emoluments Clause.” (Video: Jenny Starrs/Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

The following article by Steve Chapman of Creators was posted on the National Memo website June 11, 2017:

None of us knows when the moment to gain immortality will arise, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders saw her opportunity and seized it. Asked Thursday about James Comey’s assertion that President Donald Trump had lied, the White House spokeswoman answered, “No, I can definitively say the president’s not a liar.”

It is an audacious person who would stake her reputation, if not her immortal soul, on Trump’s veracity. Years from now, people will have forgotten much about the scandal surrounding the president right now. But Sanders’ risible assertion is built to live on as an example of taking mendacity too far. If she lives to be 100, her obituary will quote that sentence. Continue reading “D.C. and Maryland plan to sue President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called “the Emoluments Clause.” (Video: Jenny Starrs/Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)”

What Journalists Can Do When The President Is A Liar

The following article by Matt Gertz was posted on the Media Matters website January 3, 2017:

President-elect Donald Trump shouts out to members of the media at the clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

When Donald Trump is inaugurated later this month, the presidency will officially be held by an inveterate liar. And the way the press has covered Trump in the two months since his November election victory suggests that many journalists need to adjust their approach to address that reality before Trump takes office.

On New Year’s Eve, Trump cast doubt on the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russian government-backed hackers intervened in the presidential election, suggesting that he would release evidence to the contrary early this week. Continue reading “What Journalists Can Do When The President Is A Liar”