A Nazi salute, KKK hoods and Trump: Magazine covers after Charlottesville are jarring

The following article by Callum Borchers was posted on the Washington Post website August 17, 2017:

The Economist, Time and the New Yorker released post-Charlottesville cover images Thursday.

President Trump collects magazine covers, but he probably won’t want to keep these.

The latest from the Economist depicts the president bellowing into a white, conical megaphone — with eye holes that lend the appearance of a Ku Klux Klan hood. The clear implication is that Trump has amplified the message of white supremacists by failing to treat them as any more blameworthy than the counterprotesters with whom they clashed in Charlottesville last weekend. Continue reading “A Nazi salute, KKK hoods and Trump: Magazine covers after Charlottesville are jarring”