These senators stayed silent on Trump’s racism. Now they are ‘celebrating’ Martin Luther King Jr.

The following article by Josh Israel was posted on the ThinkProgress website January 15, 2018:

“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right.”

Martin Luther King Jr. meeting with Lyndon Johnson in 1966. Credit: LBJ Library Photo by Yoiichi Okamoto

On Monday, a large number of federal lawmakers took to Twitter to post Martin Luther King Day messages, praising the slain civil rights leader’s dream of equality and inclusion.  But several of these same people have seemingly declined to actually stand up for those values.

Days after attendees from bothparties confirmed that President Trump used racist and vulgar language to describe immigrants from majority non-white countries, many Republican senators have remained silent or declined to disavow his latest blatant act of racism.  According to a running list kept by the New York Times, many sidestepped the controversy, made no public statements at all, or defended the president. Continue reading “These senators stayed silent on Trump’s racism. Now they are ‘celebrating’ Martin Luther King Jr.”