Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: June 3, 2020


This week, following the unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul, the killing of George Floyd is still incredibly fresh in our minds. While it’s imperative that justice is served, that can’t be where our efforts stop. More work needs to be done to address the systemic inequities in our society to prevent another senseless killing. To that end, my colleagues in the Legislature’s POCI (People of Color and Indigenous) Caucus recently put forward a comprehensive package of proposed legislation to reform our police and criminal justice systems. These include measures to:

  • Reform the investigation and prosecution of officer-involved deaths and wrongful actions
  • Increase police accountability and transparency
  • Raise standards of conduct and support officer excellence
  • Partner officers with the communities they serve
  • Repair and build community trust and create community-centered public safety

These are incredibly important proposals, and I stand with my colleagues in fighting for their implementation. Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: June 3, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: March 15, 2020


There’s only a few days left in the 2020 Legislative Session, with the Minnesota House constitutionally required to adjourn on Monday, May 18. My colleagues and I will be spending the weekend passing legislation off the House floor, and we’ll be focusing on bills that address the COVID-19 pandemic and deliver support and resources to Minnesotans.

More work remains to help Minnesota respond to COVID-19, which is why House Speaker Melissa Hortman announced the formation of a Select Committee on Minnesota’s Pandemic Response and Rebuilding to explore the pandemic’s impacts and address any issues that may arise. Though the legislature will be adjourned, it’s also possible that we’ll return later in the year in a special session to help with the pandemic response.

With a busy few days ahead, here’s a recap of some of our recent work:

Wednesday night, Governor Tim Walz announced the current “Stay at Home” order will expire on May 18 and he’s “turning the dials” to gradually allow more businesses to open. Starting Monday, retailers will be able to operate at 50 percent capacity and small gatherings of 10 or fewer will be allowed to occur. The administration is also working with restaurants, bars, salons, and gyms to develop a way for those businesses to safely open as soon as June 1.


Before opening, non-critical sector business and retail establishments must have a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in place to protect the health and safety of their workers, and businesses must follow CDC and OSHA guidance. More information about these requirements is available here. The governor has also issued an executive order protecting Minnesotans who are concerned about the safety of their work environment. It allows workers to raise concerns without fear of discrimination or retaliation and protects those who refuse to work under unsafe or unhealthy conditions.

Turning the Dials - May 13

The Walz administration will continue to keep an eye on indicators like the number of new cases, and it’s possible restrictions could be put back in place. Despite the governor’s new orders, we should all continue to take safety precautions like social distancing, wearing a mask, and staying home when sick. Additionally, people who may be vulnerable – like those with compromised immune systems – should continue to stay home. COVID-19 remains a public health threat to be taken seriously and we all have an important role to play in stopping the spread of this condition.

Holding Safe and Secure Elections
Minnesotans hold their right to vote in high regard, which is why we continually lead the nation in voter turnout. That’s also why I authored a bill that will better ensure when Minnesotans go to the polls this year, they will be able to cast their votes in a safe and secure manner.

Coming into 2020, we were well aware that we would have to take steps to ensure this year’s elections were secure from interference. Federal funds were allocated to Minnesota for this purpose, and in addition to improving accessibility and modernizing election security, funds were also made available to better ensure the health and safety of election officials and in-person voters during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minnesota Secretary of State is making a new tool available for registered voters to request that their ballot be sent to them by mail for the August 11 statewide primary and/or the November 3 general election. You can request an absentee ballot here.

Delivering Economic Security
Last week, we passed a package of legislation that incorporates several important economic measures that my colleagues and I in the DFL House have been working on. COVID-19 hasn’t only brought new problems, it’s also built on the inequities that had already existed in our communities. The bill we passed in the House includes:

  • $100 million in assistance for Minnesota renters, homeowners, and landlords. In addition to support for rent and mortgages, qualified applicants can receive help paying utility bills and property taxes;
  • 15% temporary pay increase for Minnesota’s personal care assistants (PCA), who are serving Minnesotans with disabilities, our seniors, and other vulnerable populations. In addition to the increase, PCAs can now be paid for 310 hours of services per month, up from 275;
  • $15 million in a new Distance Learning Broadband Access Grant Program to provide students with the equipment necessary to access learning materials on the internet and reimburse school districts for costs to provide broadband access;
  • $55 million to the Small Business Emergency Loan Program at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), including specific funds for our smallest businesses and minority-owned businesses.

Stay Connected
Over the next few days, a great website to help stay in the loop is the House Public Information Webpage. You can read up on my bill to extend grants to those impacted by COVID-19, the Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act, raising the tobacco purchasing age to 21, and our new ban on TCE – a cancer-causing chemical.

For the latest news and up-to-date information, please visit the state’s COVID-19 Dashboard. The Minnesota House website also has a COVID-19 section with information and links to helpful resources. Please feel free to contact me at (651) 296-3751 or


Rep. Michael V. Nelson

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: May 1, 2020


Yesterday’s extension of the “Stay at Home” order to May 18 is a tough pill to swallow, but it remains necessary. Minnesota is leading the nation in combatting COVID-19, and the efforts of our community to slow the spread of the virus has bought us precious time, and with that time we’ve seen breakthroughs in testing, and a substantial amount of PPE and resources have been delivered to our hospitals. It can be hard to see from the isolation of our homes, but the work we continue to do is saving lives.

The announcement also came with the news that retail businesses will be able to operate in a limited capacity with curbside pick-up and delivery. It’s incredibly important that as we extend the “Stay at Home” order, we also work to allow businesses to operate in ways that prioritizes public health during this crisis. This will take time, but more Minnesotans will be able to get back to work. You can watch yesterday’s COVID-19 briefing here.

Extended Order Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: May 1, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 13, 2020


I want to start by again thanking our community for adhering to the “Stay at Home” order. The numbers tell us that our efforts are working, but the science also shows the need for us to continue our efforts. Last week, Governor Walz extended the order until May 4, a decision that’s in line with the recommendations of public health officials and effective measures that we’ve seen around the world.

Update Stay Home

For any questions you might have about the “Stay at Home” order, you can find a list of FAQs here, including when you can and should leave your home, and what services remain open. Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 13, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 3, 2020


I hope you’re staying healthy and staying home. I know the “Stay at Home” order is a challenge, but I want to thank the vast majority of our community that is doing a remarkable job in doing their part. We’re buying time for our health care professionals to properly prepare for and respond to COVID-19, and in the end we’re saving lives.

Today, Governor Walz gave a transparent and data-driven update of where we currently are in Minnesota. There’s plenty of good news, but he also didn’t pull any punches of what’s at stake. It’s a very honest presentation of what Minnesota needs, and you can watch it here.

Governor Walz also launched a newly created website focused solely on consolidating the information and resources available to Minnesotans on COVID-19. The most recent data, best practices, FAQs, and more can be found at Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 3, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: March 28, 2020


Last night, the “Stay at Home” Executive Order began, and it is scheduled to last until Friday, April 10. For many, these next two weeks will be difficult, but I want to emphasize that precious time will be bought by slowing the spread of COVID-19 and allowing our health care professionals the ability to prepare for and treat Minnesotans with the virus.

Stay At Home Can/Should Not

Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: March 28, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: March 19, 2020


I hope you and your loved ones are faring well during these challenging times. Major changes to how we live our lives have been happening in quick succession, and I know the uncertainty can be one of the hardest things to deal with right now. At the State Capitol, we’re continuing to work on ways to make sure Minnesota remains strong during and after this pandemic, and I take solace in the ways I’ve seen our community and state band together as we weather this storm.

Here’s a quick update on what we’ve been working on, as well as information on some helpful resources.

Emergency Support for Health Care

In the early hours of Tuesday, the Minnesota House and Senate passed our latest bill in response to the coronavirus. The bill, now law, allocates $200 million toward an emergency and long-term grant program, designed to respond to the needs of health care and long-term care facilities. Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: March 19, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: February 28, 2020


It’s been a busy week at the State Capitol with committee hearings, advocate meetings, and our first floor votes of the legislative session. The Minnesota House put some urgency behind our initial bills as they were either already extensively vetted last year, or dealt with time-sensitive issues.

Passing the Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act

Last week, I highlighted the importance of the Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act as it passed through my committee, one of seven it passed through in seven days, and I’m extremely proud to have helped pass it off the House floor this week. With 1 in 4 Type 1 Diabetics rationing their insulin because they can no longer afford it, it’s important that we get this bill to the governor’s desk as soon as possible.

Insulin Cost Graph Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: February 28, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: February 21, 2020


The 2020 legislative session is underway, and things are moving quickly for what is typically the shorter session of the biennium. As last year’s session focused on crafting a state budget, this year’s work will center on infrastructure and community projects, new policy issues, and revisiting unfinished work from 2019. As chair of the House State Government and Finance Division, I’ve already had some important bills come through committee.

Here’s an update on some of our recent work.

Affordable Insulin

Earlier this week, my committee heard testimony on the fast-tracked Alec Smith Affordable Insulin Act, which has already been heard in several other committees since session began. The reason for the urgency on this bill is because it provides a solution Minnesotans desperately need now, as diabetics in our state have already died from attempting to ration their expensive medication. Last year, the Minnesota House passed a version of this bill, but in the final hours of negotiations the Minnesota Senate rejected it. A special session seemed possible during the interim, but an agreement was never reached. Continue reading “Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: February 21, 2020”

Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: November 8, 2019


It’s hard to believe it’s already November – I hope you’re fully adjusted to the time change.

Remember that there are resources available if you, family or friends are struggling with the heating bill. Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule (CWR) helps protect Minnesotans from having their heat shut off between October 15 and April 15. You can find more information about it here.

Youth Vaping

We’re only beginning to understand the dangers of vaping, but it’s clearly not the cleaner, safer quit-smoking device we thought it was. Athletes are having trouble breathing during workouts, students are having trouble concentrating, and educators are spending time during class monitoring for kids sneaking hits of nicotine.

Last week, my House DFL colleagues announced a comprehensive plan to combat Big Tobacco’s youth targeting.

Here are some highlights of the plan:

  • By raising the legal age to purchase tobacco age to 21, we will limit youth targeting.
  • We will reduce youth access by stopping all internet sales of tobacco, e-cigarette, and vaping products.
  • By prohibiting sales of all flavored tobacco products in our state, we will reduce the appeal of tobacco products for vulnerable populations.
  • We will support prevention efforts with a dedicated office to combat the immense pressure of the tobacco industry with effective counter-marketing.
  • Finally, we will fight to ensure that every Minnesotan has access to quit-smoking resources to help them break free from addiction. We’ll promote the state’s quitting program and remove barriers that prevent Medicaid patients and others from accessing quit-smoking medications and therapy.

Youth nicotine addiction isn’t just affecting families – it is touching health clinics, schools, and communities in every corner of Minnesota. This is about protecting our kids, and it’s time to take bold action to hold Big Tobacco accountable.


Open Enrollment – Happening Now!

Open enrollment (which ends on Dec. 23) is your chance to change health care plans or enroll in a new plan that’s best for you and your family. The MNsure marketplace is the only place where you can qualify for financial help in the form of monthly tax credits. Go to to compare plans and get covered!



A Plan for Robo Calls

Robo-calls are disruptive and cause people to not want to pick up the phone when it rings. In fact, Minnesotans on average have received more than 58 robo-calls so far this year. My colleagues introduced a plan to crack down on the calls to protect Minnesotans from the predatory scams, and I look forward to supporting the bill during the 2020 legislative session. You can read more about the plan from MPR here or watch the WCCO clip here.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback! I always enjoy hearing from you.


Rep. Michael Nelson