Republicans could oust more of Gov. Tim Walz’s agency heads

Senators see leverage over what they call overreach. 

Several state agency leaders’ jobs — and the fraying relationship between GOP lawmakers and Gov. Tim Walz — could hang in the balance of an upcoming special session of the Legislature.

The DFL governor is expected to call the fourth session of the summer on Friday, despite the possibility that Senate Republicans could use the occasion to vote out more members of his administration.

Republican opposition to the governor’s use of emergency powers for the pandemic came to a head in August when they rejected Nancy Leppink as the leader of the Department of Labor and Industry. Continue reading.

Senate Republicans Oppose Efforts to Address Climate Change

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA — Today, Senate Republicans blocked efforts broadly supported by Minnesotans to address the threat of climate change despite overwhelming scientific evidence showing that Minnesota is one of the fastest warming states in the country.

“Minnesotans see the reality of the changing climate and know that it threatens their future,” said Rep. Jean Wagenius (DFL – Minneapolis), Chair of the House Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division. “Minnesota youth came from all over the state to tell us they are scared, even terrified. They asked us to take the climate crisis as seriously as they do. Republicans chose the fossil fuel industry over our children’s future.”

The House DFL energy budget took significant steps to prevent further consequences of climate change and build a thriving clean energy economy. It set Minnesota on a path to achieve 100 percent clean energy by 2050, while ensuring that electricity was affordable and reliable. It established a Solar on Schools program that would save school districts money and provide learning opportunities and helped colleges and universities expand their use of clean energy. The budget also helped accelerate the creation of clean energy jobs, reduced transportation emissions, and supported more efficient buildings and community solar gardens. Continue reading “Senate Republicans Oppose Efforts to Address Climate Change”

Republicans Vote “No” on Two Gun Violence Prevention Bills

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTAToday Republican State Senator Warren Limmer of Maple Grove cast one of the deciding votes to defeat by a 5-5 party-line vote two gun violence prevention bills that are broadly supported by Minnesota families, law enforcement officials, students, and public safety organizations.

Legislators who serve on the Public Safety and Judiciary conference committee, of which Limmer is the co-chair, took on-the-record votes today to establish “red flag” laws and criminal background checks for firearm purchases.According to the most recent public opinion polling, as many as 90 percent of Minnesotans support these gun violence prevention bills.

“Minnesotans are demanding that we do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, but this session Republicans have opposed every effort to do that,” said Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL – Saint Paul), chief author of House File 8, the criminal background check bill. “Today, they chose not to move forward on two gun safety measures despite broad public support. That is deeply disappointing to thousands of families who have been touched by gun violence and expect action.” Continue reading “Republicans Vote “No” on Two Gun Violence Prevention Bills”

Rep. Liebling statement on Senate GOP’s devastating HHS budget

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – The Minnesota Senate is scheduled to consider their Health and Human Services budget Tuesday. Over four years, it contains over $1 billion in harmful cuts, including cuts to critical health care programs and elimination of state funding for child care assistance. Further, the budget relies on made-up savings that non-partisan fiscal staff cannot verify.

Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL – Rochester), Chair of the House Health and Human Services Finance Division, issued the following statement:

“Minnesotans need the opportunity to live healthy lives, with access to the care they need, when they need it, and for a price they can afford. Unfortunately, the Senate Republican budget does not deliver. It eliminates lower-cost dental care for low-income adults, which will lead to poorer health and higher costs through emergency room visits. It fails to continue funding for the Health Care Access Fund, putting the stability of rural hospitals at risk and jeopardizing health care for over 1.2 million Minnesotans. As prescription drug prices skyrocket, Senate Republicans do little to control these costs. They also gutted funding that helps low-income working families with child care costs, helping many Minnesota families climb out of poverty. Continue reading “Rep. Liebling statement on Senate GOP’s devastating HHS budget”

Situation in the Minnesota Senate

Minnesota is the only state legislature in the country. Like the GOP controlled U.S. Senate, our Minnesota Senate Speaker is blocking bills from being heard.

Here are the issues that are being stonewalled (Sen. Gazelka is beginning to talk about allowing the gun safety bills to be heard):