Sean Spicer held a press conference. He didn’t take questions. Or tell the whole truth.

The following article by Chris Cillizza was posted on the Washington Post website January 21, 2017:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer held a press briefing Saturday night.  Except not really.  Spicer delivered a statement blasting the media for allegedly underestimating the size of the crowds for President Trump’s inaugural ceremony.  He took no questions.  The full text of Spicer’s statement is below. Using Genius, I annotated it. You can too! Sign up for Genius and annotate alongside me! To see an annotation, click or tap the highlighted part of the transcript.

Good evening.  Thank you guys for coming.  I know our first official press briefing is going to be on Monday, but I wanted to give you a few updates on the President’s activities.  But before I get to the news of the day, I think I’d like to discuss a little bit of the coverage of the last 24 hours. Continue reading “Sean Spicer held a press conference. He didn’t take questions. Or tell the whole truth.”