Devin Nunes Champions ‘Free Speech,’ Gets Scathing Reminder Of His Hypocrisy

The GOP member of Congress raised eyebrows with his rallying cry, given his lawsuit to silence a Twitter parody account that pretends to be his cow.

Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-Calif.) on Wednesday claimed to be a free-speech champion, but he was quickly reminded he is not.

The GOP lawmaker last year sued Twitter and a series of parody accounts on the platform ― including the @DevinCow profile that pretends to be his cow ― alleging they defamed him.

So, Nunes on Wednesday was called out after urging his 1.1 million followers to ditch “the Twitter sewer” and follow him to the right-wing Parler platform, where users are “living in freedom!” he wrote. Continue reading.

Nunes raked over the coals for claim Democrats don’t understand ‘importance’ of paper ballots after voting against them himself

AlterNet logoRep. Devin Nunes weighed in on the Iowa Caucuses debacle with a partisan and uninformed “hot take.” The Republican California Congressman who’s very close to the White House and President Donald Trump posted a tweet suggesting Democrats didn’t have a paper backup system for Monday’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses.

Devin Nunes


Too bad Dem/Socialists/Media didn’t read House Republican report on the importance of using paper ballots for election security…

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It’s false to suggest there was no paper backup system. In fact, the caucus counting system is done largely on paper, and there is a paper backup system. The digital problem was reportedly with miscoding in a new app Iowa decided to use. Results are promised for later today.

“Iowa Democrats for the first time enacted a new ‘preference card’ system in which caucus-goers wrote down their choice for president. This created an unprecedented paper trail,” Politico reports. Continue reading.