The media’s “civility” game helps Trump

The following article by Simon Maloy was posted on the website June 25, 2018:

The Red Hen reaction shows how Trump benefits from backward media accountability

Credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons; art by Melissa Joskow / Media Matters

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was politely asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, VA, this past weekend because the owner was unwilling to serve a senior Trump administration official who defends (among other things) the cruel and inhumane separation of migrant families and internment of immigrant children. This act of protest — the most recent example of a senior Trump official being heckled or protested over the family-separation policy — galvanized certain pundits who voiced a moral objection to what they viewed as a grave injustice: “uncivil” behavior by ordinary people toward perpetrators of a despicable government policy.

This ridiculous crusade was led by the Washington Post editorial board, which published a profoundly silly piece urging all of America to “Let the Trump team eat in peace.” Per the Post: Continue reading “The media’s “civility” game helps Trump”