Postal Service Improperly Divulged Spanberger’s Sensitive National Security File, and Asks for It Back

NOTE:  The PAC that received this information and has been offering it to Ms. Spanberger’s opponent, the Congressional Leadership PAC, is affiliated with Speaker Paul Ryan.  It is also the PAC running pro-Paulsen television ads in our area.

Abigail Spanberger spoke with voters at a campaign event in June in Midlothian, VA. Credit: Erin Schaff, The New York Times

The following article by Michael Tackett was posted on the New York Times website August 30, 2018:

WASHINGTON — The Postal Service said on Thursday that it “deeply regrets our mistake in inappropriately releasing” the official personnel file of Abigail Spanberger, a former C.I.A. operative now running as a Democratic candidate for Congress, and requested that a Republican-aligned super PAC return the documents.

“We take full responsibility for this unfortunate error, and we have taken immediate steps to ensure this will not happen again,” David Partenheimer, a Postal Service spokesman, said in a statement. He added, “The privacy and security of personal information is of utmost importance to the Postal Service. The Postal Service offers our sincere apology to Ms. Spanberger, and we will request the return of the information which we mistakenly disclosed.”

The Postal Service also acknowledged the possibility of additional inappropriate disclosures, but when asked, would not provide details like whether those disclosures involved other candidates for office.

View the complete article here.