House committee renews ethics inquiries into Collins, Hunter and Schweikert

House Ethics Committee investigations into Republicans Chris Collins of New York, Duncan Hunter of California and David Schweikert of Arizona were reauthorized for the 116th Congress this week.

The Ethics Committee voted unanimously to reauthorize investigative subcommittees looking into the three lawmakers, but the panel agreed to a Justice Department request to put its probes into Collins and Hunter on hold as they battle criminal indictments.

The subcommittee investigating allegations that Schweikert, an Arizona Republican, misused office resources and violated campaign finance rules will be led by Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota. Texas Republican Bill Flores will serve as ranking member.

View the complete May 3 article by Katherine Tully-McManus on The Roll Call website here.

Want to Know More About: Rep. Duncan Hunter’s Indictment?

Mika Brzezinski: “The Hunters Used Campaign Funds For Ski Trips, Hotel Stays And European Vacations. They Golfed, They Bought Makeup. They Paid For Airline Tickets And For Friends And Relatives And Invested In Tequila Shots And Gourmet Steaks.” MIKA BRZEZINSKI: “House speaker Paul Ryan has stripped California congressman Duncan hunter of committee assignments following news hunter and his wife have been indicted. The couple is accused of converting more than a quarter of a million dollars in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses. According to the indictment, the hunters used campaign funds for ski trips, hotel stays and European vacations. They golfed, they bought makeup. They paid for airline tickets and for friends and relatives and invested in tequila shots and gourmet steaks. The indictment alleges incident after incident in which the hunters spent campaign money on personal outings and meals and then told their campaign treasurer the expenses were legitimate, including $1,900 spent sending a family member to a Pittsburgh steelers game. Hunter was the second member of congress to endorse Donald Trump in 2016. The first was congressman Chris Collins. Both Collins and hunter are now under indictment. A spokesperson for hunter said yesterday the congressman believes this action is purely politically motivated. Hunter, a Republican, up for re-election in November. California’s secretary of state says there is no process to remove his name from the ballot. And the state does not allow write-in candidates. Wow. Elise, drain the swamp.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 8/22/18; VIDEO] Continue reading “Want to Know More About: Rep. Duncan Hunter’s Indictment?”