Jeff Sessions makes 2 ridiculous claims about the opioid crisis in less than a minute

The following article by Aaron Rupar was posted on the ThinkProgress website February 7, 2018:

“Sometimes, you just need to take two Bufferins or something and go to bed.”

Credit: Screengrab

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event to commemorate Ronald Reagan’s birthday on Tuesday night, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said his plan for solving the opioid crisis is more Bufferins and less marijuana.

Alluding to the 7 percent drop in opioid prescriptions last year, Sessions said “my goal in 2018 is to see a further decline,” adding that “we think doctors are just prescribing too many.”

“Sometimes, you just need to take two Bufferins or something and go to bed,” Sessions added. Bufferin is an over-the-counter aspirin brand. Continue reading “Jeff Sessions makes 2 ridiculous claims about the opioid crisis in less than a minute”