President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days

The following article by Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Glenn Kessler and Meg Kelly was posted on the Washington Post website October 10, 2017:

As of Oct. 10, the Fact Checker has catalogued 1,318 false or misleading claims by President Trump since he took office in January. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Five months before unveiling his tax plan, President Trump claimed that it “is the biggest tax cut in history. This is bigger than Reagan. … This is actually bigger than Reagan tax cuts.” We warned readers at the time that there was no public proposal yet and that this was a dubious claim properly measured as a percentage of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Trump would repeat this misleading claim 16 more times before he actually revealed his plan to the public Sept. 27. In fact, the 16th time he said it was during remarks before traveling to Indiana for the speech: “We’re going right now to Indiana. We’re going to introduce a tax plan that’s the largest tax cut, essentially, in the history of our country.” Continue reading “President Trump has made 1,318 false or misleading claims over 263 days”