Trump, condemned for ‘shithole’ countries remark, denies comment but acknowledges ‘tough’ language

The following article by Ed O’Keefe and Anne Gearan was posted on the Washington Post website January 13, 2018:

The Fix’s Eugene Scott explains how Trump’s “shithole countries” comment is the latest example of his history of demeaning statements on nonwhite immigrants. (Video: Bastien Inzaurralde/Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

President Trump’s comments about African countries and Haiti drew condemnation from around the world Friday, putting the White House and Republicans on the defensive while casting doubt on hopes of resolving disputes in the coming weeks over immigration legislation.

In a tweet Friday, Trump seemed to deny using the term “shithole” to refer to some countries during a private White House meeting Thursday, but acknowledged he used “tough” language during the negotiations. Among Republicans, there were differing responses to the comments, but few of them outright condemned his remarks. Continue reading “Trump, condemned for ‘shithole’ countries remark, denies comment but acknowledges ‘tough’ language”