Trump loses it after ‘spy’ briefing flops with both parties

The following article by Eric Boehlert was posted on the ShareBlue website May 25, 2018:

Trump’s latest attempt to sink the Russia investigation completely collapsed, even with his own party — and he’s very unhappy about it.

Credit: AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File

Somebody forgot to tell Trump than the GOP’s bigger-than-Watergate “spy” scandal flopped spectacularly on Thursday. Because on Friday he was still flailing around on Twitter, pushing the dopey narrative.

He’s ranting and raving while his own Republican Party has gone quiet regarding its latest failed attempt to cover up for Trump.

Even the GOP’s bumbling Inspector Clouseau, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who’s running interference for the White House on the Russia scandal, has gone strangely quiet in the last 24 hours. (Nunes has a long history of Russia-related flops.) Continue reading “Trump loses it after ‘spy’ briefing flops with both parties”