Want to grow the US economy? Cancel student debt, new report shows

The following article by A.P. Joyce was posted on the mic.com website February 6, 2018:

Credit: whiterussian via morguefile.com

Less than a week after President Donald Trump gave his State of the Union address touting the strength of the American economy under his presidency, the stock market saw one of its worst trading days in recent history, with stocks falling by about 1,175 points.

With the markets in turmoil and the fate of the U.S. economy under Trump looking more uncertain than ever, a new report has given lawmakers an easy guide on how to alleviate the economic pressure on 44 million Americans, while also lowering unemployment and growing the economy with one painfully simple policy. The answer: cancel all student debt. Continue reading “Want to grow the US economy? Cancel student debt, new report shows”