Education is on the Ballot in November

While Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is working to dismantle the department she is charged with leading and Republican governors are ignoring educators’ pleas for better funding, voters are making their voices very clear – they want better pay for teachers and better schools for every child. Education is on the ballot in November, and Democrats are running and winning by making education central to their campaigns.

In Arizona, Democrats nominated education activist David Garcia for governor and 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year Christine Marsh is running for state Senate. It’s no wonder; in April, teachers in Arizona took to the streets in support of better pay and school funding as part of the Red for Ed movement.

Arizona Capitol Times: “Garcia jumped into the governor’s race last year after Ducey signed legislation to create universal vouchers. Garcia was so incensed by the action that he characterized as a major blow to public education in Arizona that he set his sights on ousting Ducey.”

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