GOP friendly fire imperils Trump nominees

The following article by Anthony Adragna was posted on the Politico website February 8, 2018:

Republican senators seeking concessions on issues like disaster funding, marijuana and ethanol are one reason Trump’s picks have had trouble getting confirmed

Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Barrasso (R-Wyo.) is blocking an Energy Dpt nominee over the agency’s practice of selling excess government-controlled uranium. Credit: John Shinkle/POLITICO

A throng of Republican senators is holding up the confirmations of some of President Donald Trump’s nominees — even as he continues to blame the logjam on Democratic “obstruction.”

At least 11 Republican senators in recent months have disclosed they’re blocking votes on nominees for agencies including the Energy, Agriculture, State, Homeland Security and Justice departments. The vast majority of those delays remain in place while the lawmakers demand concessions on issues such as ethanol regulations, marijuana, disaster funding and nuclear waste. Continue reading “GOP friendly fire imperils Trump nominees”