Trump Ad’s Misleading Use of CNN Interview

A Trump campaign ad misleadingly edits a CNN interview to suggest 2 million people would have died from the novel coronavirus were it not for President Donald Trump’s China travel restrictions.

In the one-minute ad, Wolf Blitzer, anchor of CNN’s “The Situation Room,” is heard asking chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “Is it accurate that if these steps had not been put in place … it could’ve been 2 million people dead here in the United States?” While Blitzer speaks, the ad shows images of an Air China plane and signs saying airline flights had been canceled. “Yes,” Gupta is shown saying.

The impression is that Trump’s travel restrictions, which went into effect Feb. 2, were responsible for saving those lives. Continue reading.

Networks pull Trump ad on migrants — even Fox News

Et tu, Fox News?

President Trump’s favorite cable news network has pulled his campaign ad that depicts a Central American migrant caravan making its way to the U.S. border with Mexico as made up of criminals and accuses Democrats of inviting murderers into the country.

“Upon further review, Fox News pulled the ad yesterday and it will not appear on either Fox News Channel or Fox Business Network,” Marianne Gambelli, president of ad sales, told CNN in a statement.

The move comes one day after NBC faced a backlash from viewers after it aired the controversial ad during Sunday night’s NFL game between the New England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers.

View the complete November 5 article by David Knowles on the Yahoo News website here.