President Trump’s claim that ‘wages are now, for the first time in many years, rising’

The following article by Glenn Kessler was posted on the Washington Post website February 7, 2018:

The president is touting gains in wages, but there’s much less than meets the eye. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

“Something that I’ve been talking about for two years — campaigning, and everyone said, ‘You’ll never do it’ — after years of wage stagnation, wages — so what happened two days ago and a month ago — wages are now, for the first time in many years, rising. In fact, more companies are pursuing pay increases right now than at any time in the last long period of time — they actually say, ’in the 21st century.’ Can you imagine that? It’s amazing what people with some good ideas can do. It’s amazing what we’ve all done together.”
— President Trump, remarks during a speech in Cincinnati, Feb. 5, 2018

According to The Fact Checker’s database of Trumpian claims, the president in his first year eight times falsely suggested that wages were finally rising because of his policies. He also made a similar claim in the State of the Union address. Continue reading “President Trump’s claim that ‘wages are now, for the first time in many years, rising’”