The White House Immigration Framework Hurts Women

The following article by Nicole Prchal Svajlenka and Philip E. Wolgin was posted on the Center for American Progress website February 15, 2018:

Bahga Guelleh and her daughters pledge allegiance to the flag during a naturalization ceremony, January 2018. Credit: AP/Shawn Patrick Ouellette

As part of the debate over how to provide protection to Dreamers—immigrants without status who came to the country at a young age—the Trump administration has proposed a draconian “framework” on immigration that would, among other things, significantly increase border and interior immigration enforcement; make it harder for children and other asylum seekers to find safety in the United States; and radically reshape future immigration. This framework has now been turned into legislation by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), in the Secure and Succeed Act, and the Senate will likely be voting on the Grassley bill soon.

Previous Center for American Progress analysis has found that the cuts to family reunification and the diversity visa program in the Trump-Grassley framework would significantly impact immigration from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In all, these cuts alone would reduce future immigration by 35 percent. Continue reading “The White House Immigration Framework Hurts Women”