Trump’s comments on Democrats and ‘late-term abortion’

Washington Post logo“Virtually every Democrat candidate has declared their unlimited support for extreme late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from the mother’s womb, right up until the very moment of birth.”

— President Trump, at a campaign rally in Charlotte, March 2, 2020

Trump has repeated this fiery claim dozens of times in campaign rallies, speeches and tweets. The wording never changes. The verb is always “rip.” The womb is always mentioned. He never leaves out the “moment of birth.”

We keep adding it to our database of everything false or misleading from Trump, but the claim is so visceral and deceptive that it deserves its own fact check.

The Facts

Most abortions are performed in the earlier stages of pregnancy. About 1 percent happen after the fetus reaches the point of viability. In short, the president is describing something that rarely happens and that no Democrat is calling for anyway. Continue reading.