Donald Trump Continue to Attack the ACA During COVID-19 Pandemic

At his press briefing this weekend, and one day ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Trump doubled down on his lawsuit to repeal the entire law, despite the fact that the law has become one of the most critical tools in the fight against coronavirus.


Trump doubled down on his lawsuit to overturn the ACA and lied that he is putting great health care in its place — he has no plan. 

CNN’s Daniel Dale: “Noted that his administration supports a lawsuit to eradicate the Affordable Care Act, and asked if he’d reconsider given that people are losing jobs/need health care, Trump says what they’re doing is working to ‘get rid of the bad health care and put in a great health care.’”

Trump touted potential coronavirus treatments as being safe and effective, despite health experts warning that hasn’t been proven.

CNN’s Daniel Dale: “Trump on medications approved for other uses and now being tested for the coronavirus: ‘They’re not killing people. We’re not going to have that.’ Doctors warn that there CAN BE serious side effects to these drugs; they haven’t been proven safe and effective here; be careful.” Continue reading “Donald Trump Continue to Attack the ACA During COVID-19 Pandemic”