Poll: Trump job approval hits new low

The following article by Jonathan Easley was posted on the Hill website November 17, 2017:

President Trump’s job approval rating hit a new low in November and has declined for three months straight, according to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll.

The survey found that 41 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, compared to 59 percent who disapprove. That’s down from a 45 percent approval in September and the previous low of 42 percent, which Trump hit in October. Trump peaked in the Harvard CAPS-Harris survey at 49 percent approval in March. Continue reading “Poll: Trump job approval hits new low”

A Bare Majority of White Voters Are the Only Ones Happy With Trump

The following article by Kali Holloway was posted on the AlterNet website June 25, 2017:

Thanks to dissatisfied nonwhites, Trump’s low approval numbers have reached historic depths.

White Americans remain the only major demographic group in which the percentage of people who think Donald Trump is doing a good job outpaces the number who think he’s doing poorly.

That finding comes from Pew Research Center, which polled more than 2,500 adults around the U.S. between June 8-18. While African Americans and Latinos overwhelmingly gave the president’s performance a thumbs-down, 50 percent of white respondents report feeling good about Trump’s presidency. Just 44 percent think that Trump deserves a poor performance review. Continue reading “A Bare Majority of White Voters Are the Only Ones Happy With Trump”

Trump approval hits new low after failure of health care bill

The following article by Matt Rocheleau was posted on the Boston Globe website March 27, 2017:

President Trump spoke during a bill-signing ceremony in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Monday.

President Donald Trump’s job approval rating has fallen to a new low in the wake of the failure to pass a new health care bill, according to the latest polling results from Gallup.

Just 36 percent of Americans surveyed between Friday and Sunday approved of the job Trump was doing as president, according to Gallup. Continue reading “Trump approval hits new low after failure of health care bill”