Psychiatric expert: Trump will not hesitate to cause violence to stay in power

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Dr. Bandy X. Lee was interviewed by Patrick R. McElligott, who is a retired psychiatric social worker from upstate New York. He has decades of experience in grass roots social-political activism, including working on his late friend Rubin “Hurricane” Carter’s case, serving as Onondaga Nation Chief Paul Waterman’s top assistant on burial protection and repatriation, and providing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency information on Super Fund sites for federal court cases. Dr. Lee agreed to an interview regarding current events in post-election America.

McElligott: In April, 2017, you organized the “Duty to Warn” Conference. Later, you were the editor and contributor to the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Has Donald Trump’s behaviors since losing the 2020 election reinforced your opinion on the dangers Trump poses to a civilized society?

Lee: Absolutely. We are seeing the last bout of just how much he is willing and able to destroy norms and to push the limits. It is clear he does not intend to leave without placing us in further danger, and without obstructing the president-elect’s agenda as much as possible. My regret is that, because of the “gag order” on all mental health experts, which the American Psychiatric Association forced through public campaigns since this administration, the people are still left vulnerable without having learned much. As we see from the 72 million who voted for him again, we are very likely to repeat our errors. Continue reading.

‘We’re staring into the abyss’: Unhinged Trump rally in Colorado highlights stakes of 2020 election

AlterNet logoPresident Donald Trump’s rally in Colorado Springs Thursday night threw into sharp relief the stakes of the 2020 presidential election, observers said after watching the president joke about remaining in office for 26 years, complain that the Oscar for best picture went to a South Korean film, goad his audience into booing teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, gin up xenophobia against undocumented immigrants, and more.

“We’re staring into the abyss,” tweeted Vox‘s Aaron Rupar, who highlighted many of the bizarre moments from the rally and expressed hope that the clips will give the public “a sense of the stakes of the 2020 election.”

“I don’t want to alarm anyone,” wrote the New Yorker‘s Susan Glasser as she watched the event, “but the president is now reading off ‘poll’ after ‘poll’ at his campaign rally to prove he won the debates in 2016. He is also complaining about Brad Pitt and that a South Korean movie won the Oscars and that he didn’t win TIME ‘Man of the Year.’” Continue reading.

The President Is A Malignant Narcissist — So Now What?

Some days I wonder if American democracy can survive the 2020 presidential campaign. Other times, I pray that The Mooch is right: that facing defeat, Donald J. Trump will contrive an excuse not to run for a second term.

Trump’s fragile ego, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told Vanity Fair, couldn’t survive losing. “He’s got the self-worth in terms of his self-esteem of a small pigeon. It’s a very small pigeon.”

A pigeon?

View the complete August 29 article gy Gene Lyons on the National Memo website here.