Trump to Supreme Court: Take Away Health Care From 337,000 Minnesotans During A Pandemic

DFL Party slams Trump legal brief urging the Supreme Court to end the A.C.A.

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTALate last night, President Trump’s administration filed a legal brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the midst of a pandemic.

According to newly-released numbers from the Center for American Progress (CAP), a public policy think tank, 337,000 Minnesotans would lose their health insurance if Trump succeeds in eliminating the ACA.

Nationwide, CAP projected that 23,259,000 Americans will lose their health insurance if the ACA is struck down – 3,382,000 of whom would lose health insurance specifically due to the loss of jobs and employer-sponsored insurance as a result of COVID-19 and Trump’s failure to manage the virus. CAP’s pre-pandemic numbers are in line with official estimates released by Trump’s own Department of Health and Human Services just last year. Continue reading “Trump to Supreme Court: Take Away Health Care From 337,000 Minnesotans During A Pandemic”