Trump brags that his new regulation enables taxpayer-funded religious discrimination against LGBT people, women

At Thursday’s National Day of Prayer event in the Rose Garden at the White House President Donald Trump bragged to the faithful that thanks to him new conscience rights protections have been implemented today for “for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, students and faith-based charities.”

Those “conscience rights” actually are designed to allow medical and education professionals, charities, and others, to refuse service to, and refuse to work with or do business with those people they hold a religious or moral objection to.

Among the Americans who will be discriminated against by the President’s new regulations are LGBTQ people, women seeking abortions, women seeking contraception products and services (even if not for abortion), same-sex couples, unmarried couples, and others.

View the complete May 2 article by David Badash from The New Civil Rights Movement on the AlterNet website here.