Why Trump’s idea to send immigrants to sanctuary cities makes no sense

It has now been four days since The Washington Post reported that President Trump has considered sending those who cross the Southern border to sanctuary cities. And despite the White House’s initial effort to downplay the idea, it seems this is a conversation Trump would very much like to have. After contradicting his own officials and confirming the idea was under consideration, Trump tweeted about it repeatedly over the weekend — even challenging sanctuary cities to make good on their pro-immigrant ideals.

Donald J. Trump


Just out: The USA has the absolute legal right to have apprehended illegal immigrants transferred to Sanctuary Cities. We hereby demand that they be taken care of at the highest level, especially by the State of California, which is well known or its poor management & high taxes!

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Democrats take aim at Miller as questions persist about ‘sanctuary city’ targeting

House Democrats are sharpening their focus on White House immigration adviser Stephen Miller, with key lawmakers saying he should be brought before congressional committees to testify about his role in recent policy controversies.

The talk of hauling Miller before lawmakers comes days after The Washington Post reported that he played a key role in a plan first discussed last year to release undocumented immigrants into “sanctuary cities” represented by President Trump’s Democratic critics. While the plan never came to fruition because of objections from agency officials, Trump has since embraced the idea.

With a spate of new vacancies at the Department of Homeland Security, including the departure last week of the secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, Miller has emerged as a key target for Democrats who see him as an influential survivor in an administration that has otherwise churned through personnel.

View the complete April 14 article by Mike DeBonis, Rachael Bade and Felicia Sonmez on The Washington Post website here.