Donald Trump’s Astonishing Lies About Vietnam

When politicians talk in private, they regularly use a cruel shorthand. For example, a candidate who is uninformed, unreflective and uncurious is often branded a “lightweight,” as in, “He is so lightweight he could tap-dance on a souffle.” Conversely, a “heavyweight” would be a politician of some substance, some political clout and personal gravity.

Al Gore — the Democratic presidential nominee who won 543,895 more votes than George W. Bush in 2000 but ended up losing the election in a 5-4 Supreme Court split decision — was regularly dismissed for being so unexciting that his favorite color was beige. The line at the time was, “Al Gore is so dull that his Secret Service code name is Al Gore.”

That was cute but inaccurate. I once asked then-Sen. Gore of Tennessee why he — almost alone among his Harvard 1969 classmates — volunteered to join the U.S. Army to go to Vietnam. Gore’s answer was revealing: “I come from a small town (Carthage) of 3,000 people. I concluded that if I didn’t go, somebody else would have to go. And I knew just about everybody else who was going to have to go in my place…For me, that sort of reinforces the sense of community and nation that is at the root of why you have a duty to serve your country.”

View the complete June 16 article by Mark Shields on the National Memo website here.

McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking ‘bone spur’ deferments in Vietnam

The following article by Aaron Blake was posted on the Washington Post website October 22, 2017:

In an Oct. 18 C-SPAN interview Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) discussed the legacy of the Vietnam War and lamented that those from “the highest income level found a doctor that would say they have a bone spur” to get out of the draft. (C-SPAN)

Update: McCain elaborated on his comments Monday in an appearance on “The View”: “I don’t consider [Trump] so much as a draft-dodger as I feel that the system was so wrong that certain Americans could evade their responsibilities to serve the country.”

After a week in which President Trump endured not-so-veiled criticisms from his two predecessors as president and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), McCain delivered another broadside that seems clearly aimed at Trump — in the most personal terms yet.

McCain, whose status as a war hero Trump publicly and controversially doubted as a 2016 presidential candidate, appeared to retaliate in kind against the president in a C-SPAN interview about the Vietnam War airing Sunday night. In the interview, McCain pointed to wealthy Americans who were able to get out of being drafted into service in the conflict in which he spent years as a prisoner of war. And he pointed to a very specific type of deferment which Trump just happened to use. Continue reading “McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking ‘bone spur’ deferments in Vietnam”