Leading Right-Wing Think Tank Caught Circulating White Nationalist Propaganda Over 2,000 Times

The following article by Stephen Piggott and Alex Amend of the Southern Poverty Law Center was posted on the AlterNet website May 2?, 2017:

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) executive director Mark Krikorian has some answering to do.

Photo Credit: Tony Craddock / Shutterstock

The surprising Electoral College victory of President Donald Trump has been like winning the lottery for nativist extremists and other fringe groups. For Krikorian, he’s been making the most of it by arguing in the mainstream press that his group, long attacked from across the political spectrum for its connections to eugenics-friendly white nationalists and shoddy research, doesn’t deserve to be labeled a hate group.

The Southern Poverty Law Center listed CIS as a hate group for the first time when our annual count was published in February of this year. The designation resulted primarily from their move to start publishing the work of discredited race scientist Jason Richwine (who was once forced to resign from the arch-conservative Heritage Foundation) and their shocking circulation of an article from one of America’s most prominent white nationalist websites and another written by a fringe Holocaust-denier in their weekly newsletter. Continue reading “Leading Right-Wing Think Tank Caught Circulating White Nationalist Propaganda Over 2,000 Times”