The lies Trump is using to justify his border wall shutdown

Credit: Evan Vuccil, AP Photo

Separating fact from fiction.

President Donald Trump rejected compromises from both Democrats and Republicans to re-open the federal government ahead of a border security briefing with Congressional leaders on Wednesday.

Democrats have offered $2.5 billion in border security funding, but because it is half of Trump’s $5 billion demand, it was not accepted. A compromise from some Senate Republicans, which would have given Trump his border wall money while also providing protections to young undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, also failed to pass the Trump test.

Faced with a federal government shutdown entering into its 12th day, Trump maintained his hardline stance on immigration and request for $5 billion in border wall funding. By deploying fear-mongering tactics and lies about immigration, the president is attempting to gin up his Republican base while simultaneously trying to convince Democrats of the wall’s necessity.

View the complete January 2 article by Rebekah Entralgo website on the ThinkProgress website here.