The return of fascism — Who will stand up and fight it? Lawrence Wittner

Back in 1941, the year of my birth, fascism stood on the brink of conquering the world.

During the preceding decades, movements of the Radical Right — mobilized by demagogues into a cult of virulent nationalism, racial and religious hatred, and militarism — had made great strides in nations around the globe. By the end of 1941, fascist Germany, Italy and Japan, having launched massive military invasions of other lands, had conquered much of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

It was a grim time.

Fortunately, though, an enormous movement arose to resist the fascist juggernaut. Led by liberals and assorted leftists around the world and eventually bolstered by the alliance of Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States, this resistance movement ultimately prevailed. Continue reading.