Trump adds $2 trillion to national debt he promised to ‘get rid of’

Credit: Evan Vuccil, AP Photo

Unfortunately, Trump is running the government like one of his many failed businesses.

When he was running for office, Trump promised he could “get rid of” America’s $19 trillion national debt “fairly quickly.” In fact, he boasted he could wipe it all out “over a period of eight years.”

In yet another failure, Trump has added $2 trillion to the debt during his first two years, according to new figures released by the Treasury Department. CNN reports that the recent spike in the national deficit is “particularly unusual in such a strong economy without major new expenditures.”

President Obama left a recovering economy in the hands of Trump and deficit enthusiast Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). As CNN notes, the first year of Trump’s term “debt began to level off.”

View the complete January 4 article by Dan Desai Martin on the website here.