Trump at a precarious moment in his presidency: Privately brooding and publicly roaring

The following article by Philip Rucker, Robert Costa and Ashley Parker was posted on the Washington Post website August 5, 2018:

President Trump on Aug. 4 called CNN “fake” and MSNBC “corrupt” but praised Fox News personalities during a rally for congressional hopeful Troy Balderson. (The Washington Post)

In private, President Trump spent much of the past week brooding, as he often does. He has been anxious about the Russia ­investigation’s widening fallout, with his former campaign chairman standing trial. And he has fretted that he is failing to accrue enough political credit for what he claims as triumphs.

At rare moments of introspection for the famously self-centered president, Trump has also expressed to confidants lingering unease about how some in his orbit — including his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. — are ensnared in the Russia probe, in his assessment simply because of their ­connection to him.

Yet in public, Trump is a man roaring. The president, more than ever, is channeling his internal frustration and fear into a ravenous maw of grievance and invective. He is churning out false statements with greater frequency and attacking his perceived enemies with intensifying fury. A fresh broadside came on Twitter at 11:37 p.m. Friday, mocking basketball superstar LeBron James and calling CNN’s Don Lemon “the dumbest man on television.”

View the complete article here.