Trump had ‘Infrastructure Week.’ Amy Klobuchar does him one better.

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar is campaigning in San Francisco. Credit: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images

The Minnesota senator and presidential hopeful unveiled a $1 trillion plan to help rehabilitate America’s aging bridges and roads.

Recurring plans to hold an “Infrastructure Week” have amounted to naught during the Trump administration, and have become something of a running joke even as the nation’s road and bridges continue to crumble and fall into disrepair.

Democratic presidential contender Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) unveiled a comprehensive plan on Thursday to show them how it’s done.

The Minnesota senator introduced a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan — her first major campaign policy proposal since announcing her White House bid last month —  that she said would be her top budget priority if elected, drawing a sharp contrast to President Donald Trump.

View the complete March 28 article by Addy Baird on the ThinkProgress website here.