Trump’s internal poll numbers are out. And both they and his team’s response paint a bleak picture.

For days, President Trump has denied a New York Times report that his internal polling data showed him in deep trouble in key states in 2020, claiming the Times simply made up the numbers.

It didn’t. He made up the denial. And it appears he is in as bad a shape as the Times said he was.

ABC News has obtained the polling data, which show as bleak a picture for Trump as the Times has indicated. Trump trails Joe Biden by 16 points in Pennsylvania, 10 points in Wisconsin and seven points in Florida, and the president leads by just two points in red Texas. These numbers largely echo the limited public polling we have been seeing on the 2020 general election, which is also brutal for Trump and which he also claims is bogus.

The numbers are remarkable. But just as remarkable is what the Trump campaign is saying about them.

View the complete June 14 article by Aaron Blake on The Washington Post website here.