Trump’s Wacky Babble Will Make You Forget Biden’s ‘Gaffes’

President Donald Trump’s antics have gotten progressively worse over the last week, and his interviews have been littered with epic blunders that have raised more questions about his mental capacity amid his battle with COVID-19.

1. The Nonexistent ‘Second Debate’ Victory

When Trump appeared on Fox News Thursday morning, he claimed to have beaten Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the first and second debates. However, there is one glaring problem with Trump’s remarks: the second debate has not occurred yet and likely will not because the president refuses to commit to participating virtually despite being COVID-positive.

2. ‘Tiny Windows’

When asked about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.)’s proposed Green New Deal, Trump claimed the Democrats’ plan focused on replacing regular sized-windows with tiny ones. Continue reading.