U.S. Government Plans to Collect DNA From Detained Immigrants

New York Times logoThe Department of Homeland Security said it would begin testing on hundreds of thousands of immigrants in federal detention facilities.

The Trump administration is moving to collect DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people booked into federal immigration custody each year and to enter the results into a national criminal database, an immense expansion of the use of technology to enforce the nation’s immigration laws.

Senior officials at the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday that the Justice Department was developing a federal regulation that would give immigration officers the authority to collect DNA in detention facilities across the country that are currently holding more than 40,000 people.

The move would funnel thousands of new records to the F.B.I., whose extensive DNA database has been limited mainly to genetic markers collected from people who have been arrested, charged or convicted in connection with serious crimes.

View the complete October 2 article by Caitlin Dickerson on The New York Times website here.