Utah reporter says politics are driving Mormons now — not their faith

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For many Christians, service is a key tenet of their faith. Acts of good works and service to the church are ways for some to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ. But one Utah reporter thinks that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has turned toward politics instead of toward God.

Writing for The Salt Lake City Tribune Thursday, Robert Gehrke explained that members of the church are near the top, with 46 percent nationwide who believe the right-wing conspiracy theories behind the “Big Lie.” 

“In Utah, it turns out, the numbers are almost exactly the same, according to a recent Y2 Analytics poll that found 46.5 percent of LDS voters in Utah believe that the election was rife with fraud and the outcome is illegitimate, compared to about a third of non-members,” wrote Gehrke. “And while it might be tempting to assume there is some correlation between religion and doubting the election outcome, it takes a back seat to partisan identity when it comes to buying into what has been dubbed Trump’s ‘Big Lie.'” Continue reading.