Veteran conservative activist warns Americans should be concerned about ‘the state of Trump’s mental health’: The president is ‘psychologically and morally unfit’

AlterNet logoPeter Wehner has a very right-wing background. In addition to serving in the administrations of three GOP presidents — Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush — the former Republican is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a right-wing think tank. On top of that, Wehner was a speechwriter for William J. Bennett (who served as secretary of education in the Reagan Administration before pursuing a talk radio career). But Wehner is also a major critic of President Donald Trump, and in a September 9 piece for The Atlantic, he stresses that Americans should be seriously concerned about “the state of Trump’s mental health.”

Wehner, who left the GOP because of Trump, recalls that on July 14, 2016 — when Barack Obama was still president and Americans still didn’t know whether the next president would be Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton — he appeared on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” and voiced his reason for opposing Trump: the Republican nominee lacked the “temperament” for the position. And since then, Wehner stresses, “That statement has been validated.”

Wehner explains, “Donald Trump’s disordered personality — his unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning, and behaving — has become the defining characteristic of his presidency. It manifests itself in multiple ways: his extreme narcissism; his addiction to lying about things large and small, including his finances.”

View the complete September 10 article by Alex Henderson on the AlterNet website here.